Free influenza vaccine for children aged 6 months to less than 5 years
From 2018, the Queensland Government will provide free influenza vaccine for children aged 6 months to less than 5 years of age.
The free vaccine will be made available through general practices and other childhood immunisation providers.
Influenza causes substantial illness in children and vaccination is proven to reduce a child’s risk of contracting influenza and suffering from its complications. This initiative will expand on the current program offered through the National Immunisation Program which funds vaccine for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from 6 months to less than 5 years of age and for children over 6 months with conditions predisposing to severe influenza.
Children contribute greatly to the spread of influenza in the community, and the risks of serious complications for children who contract influenza are high. Vaccinating young children also protects the wider community by reducing the circulating influenza strains.
It is recommended that children aged 5 and over also receive their flu vaccination however the government is not funding this. Private Flu Vaccine is available now at a cost of only $15.
Pivotal Health has Flu Vaccine for children in stock and appointments available.We do ask that children have an appointment booked outside of normal flu clinic times and we have plenty of appointments available.
Resources For Parents
Dr Meg Marsden (Pivotal Health) speaks about Flu Vaccine in Children
Other text Resources
Why recommending influenza vaccination in young children is essential